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Top 6 Ways to Save on your Water Bill

Save Money on Your Water Bill

It’s easy to save on your water bill

Saving money on your water bill can be such an easy thing to do – so why flush your money down the drain when you can start adopting these top 6 ways to save on your water bill today?

We all want to save money where we can yet quite often we put off anything we deem ‘too hard basket’. However saving water doesn’t have to mean spending money. There are lots of things you can do to watch those water bills go down and help preserve our water supplies while you’re at it.

Here’s our top 6 ways to save on your water bill:


The toilet constitutes 30% of your water bill so if it’s running continuously you are flushing money straight down the drain. Read our blog here on how to fix a running toilet. You may also have leaks or just need to upgrade to a newer, more water efficient model. It could well pay for itself in less than year!

professional plumber knows why your toilet is running continuously


A water efficient shower head can still provide you with a strong water flow and can be relatively easy to install. Read more in our free DIY Plumbing booklet here. Old shower head can use approximately 19 litres of water per minute, whereas newer efficient shower heads only use 6 – 10.5 litres per minute on average. It’s also important to realise that showers are a primary source of water wastage due to length so yes, try to make them a bit shorter if you can.

Energy efficient shower head


Did you know that a single leaky tap can waste 24,000 litres of water a year and cost up to $200 annually? And that’s just ONE tap. You can repair or replace it yourself or have a plumber do so for a fraction of the ongoing cost of leaving it dripping your money away.


You can easily save on water by watering your garden in the early morning or late evening to reduce evaporation. It’s also important to have a good nozzle attached to the hose.

water the garden wisely


Whether it’s your washing machine or you dishwasher, always wait until you have a full load and yes, it is true that you will use less water than washing by hand. You can save even more by updating to more water and energy efficient appliances.

Plumbers are licensed to fix drains


Rainwater is free water, right? You just need to harness it in the best way, starting with installing leaf guards over your gutters so as not to contaminate the runoff. It’s especially important to think ahead. Just because the dams are full now, doesn’t mean drought can’t very quickly emerge around the corner.

rainwater tank

You can keep your garden watered year round with your rainwater tank and have a valuable resource for your home when it comes to bushfire protection too. Additionally, you really will save significant costs on your water bill PLUS you’re doing your bit for the environment.

The Dream Team can come for a ‘look and quote’ and organise both the supply and installation of your new rainwater tank, dishwasher or washing machine, toilet or taps, helping you to take the first step towards lower water bills – for good! Contact us here.

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